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Artistic high quality stainless steel step bin comes in 3 capacities.
Soap dispenser 1000 ml for hotels, restaurants and coffee shops.
Soap dispenser 1000 ml for hotels, restaurants and coffee shops.
1100L capacity dustbin for Municipality use mostly.
1100L capacity dustbin for Municipality use mostly.
Artistic high quality stainless steel step bin comes in 5 capacities.
Artistic high quality stainless steel step bin comes in 5 capacities.
Artistic high quality stainless steel step bin of 15L capacity.
Artistic high quality stainless steel step bin of 15L capacity.
KLAVA Disinfectant & Antiseptic solution.
KLAVA Disinfectant & Antiseptic solution.
High quality trash bin with nominal loading capacity of 48 Kg & 120 L volume.
High quality trash bin with nominal loading capacity of 48 Kg & 120 L volume.